About Us

Hi we are the Sandy LEGO Beachbots. Our team is composed of seven members. Three of us homeschool through River Springs, two of us homeschool through another charter school, and two of us go to public/private schools. We are ages eleven through fourteen and we have four girls and three boys on the team.

We got involved with SLAP through FLL or First Lego League. FLL is a international robotics competition where robots compete to see who can get the most points in two and a half minutes. Each year there is a theme. Depending on what the theme is, you design a research report. This year the theme is Climate Change so our research report is on Global Warming and how eating less meat is a solution to it. See our website, www.kidskeeptheearthcool.org for more info.

During our research we found Alec's website, kids-vs-global-warming.org and thought SLAP was a cool idea to do. So, we started our SLAP San Diego. In January, we did a presentation with Alec at Explorer Middle School in San Diego.

